Hi, I'm Rose-Brie! I’m a creative guide for leading-edge organizations. I have over twenty years’ experience realizing new, complex projects from deep cross-disciplinary R&D to award-winning mobile apps and AAA games. I accelerate creative teams with my polymath expertise across future technologies, social neuropsychology, organisational structure and process design, large-scale systems architecture, game AI and meaningful content generation.

I am motivated by guiding creators to see and realize their unique and market-defining creative purpose. I watch for those moments where their eyes light up, first as they discover what they see and then again as we create the conditions for its realization. I believe from a studied perspective across various sciences that the liberation of our emergent co-creativity will integrate us into a new symbiosis with our Mother Earth.

Special Interests

    • Deep analysis of each team's challenges and motivations.

    • Seeing common patterns across teams and streamlining potential solutions.

    • Matching unique challenges to bespoke solutions sourced across disciplines and through rapid experimentation.

    • Regenerative economic models that leverage intrinsic motivation.

    • Human benefit metrics that build trust and symbiosis between brands and communities.

    • Purposeful and insightful algorithmic content generation and curation.

    • Social neuroscience in human-human and human-computer interaction.

    • Deep intrinsic motivation with psychosocial development.

    • Enlivening experiences with oxytocin flow states.

    • Distributed responsibility without siloing.

    • Rapid experimentation and reflection cycles.

    • Qualitative and quantitative analysis, emergent patterns, benefit metrics.

    • Systems analysis, design, architecture and refactoring.

    • Software systems including large-scale game AI and meaningful content generation and curation.

    • Social systems and systems change including DEI.


Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TRU LUV

December 2015 - November 2024

It’s like I was seeing in grayscale and now I’m seeing in colour. – John Stokes, Managing Director of Real Ventures, about ❦ BENEFICENCE ❦.

TRU LUV’s core product is ❦ BENEFICENCE ❦, a futuristic framework for economics, business and the application layer that helps organisations and people thrive through and beyond the polycrisis by amplifying co-creativity, love and authenticity.

At TRU LUV I had the most fortunate experience to bring my own personal creative purpose to our world, bringing together my lifelong interests in emergent systems, relationships and states of mind. As parts of ❦ BENEFICENCE ❦, we invented a potential new economic system, emergent economics, as a healthier extension of capitalism; a new organisational model, the beneficent organisation, that integrates soft skills in more concrete ways, bringing them up to the same level of understanding and respect as technical skills; and a new design framework for interactive technology, beneficent design, as a healthier extension of gamification. We applied beneficent design to the ways we explore our intrigues, discover our purpose, collaborate together and ultimately the ways we share what we love.

    • Created the conditions for blue ocean innovation by recruiting and centering marginalized creators from underserved audiences.

    • Shortened timelines and reduced spending by starting each design process from proven academic models from across relevant disciplines such as economics, social neuroscience, developmental psychology and wisdom studies.

    • Sourced these models and other inspiring research for team members.

    • Guided data analysts to optimise for benefit metrics such as co-creativity and psychosocial development.

    • Supported design of pro-human progression systems and engagement mechanics.

    • Increased efficiency and efficacy of development cycles by combining rapid audience testing with deep reflection periods to find emergent opportunities and resolve unintended consequences, keeping teams moving quickly yet in productive directions.

    • Mentored data analysts on mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis that included looking for emergent patterns to discover unknown opportunities and consequences.

    • Mentored programmers on software engineering processes such as requirements analysis and iterative testing.

    • Mentored programmers on software architecture patterns and algorithms across topics such as systems architecture, NPC AI, curation AI, meaningfully parameterized procedural generation, and mixed 2D/3D graphics. 

    • Identified common patterns between several apps and architected game systems that met their needs.

    • Designed a prohuman economic system for app business models.

    • Increased efficiency of apps (disk size, processing time, as well as development time) by architecting ✿ TERRA ✿ systems on a bespoke fractal design pattern. This pattern is easy to create and maintain and yet produces nearly infinite procedurally generated output that is meaningful and ordered (not random) and can effectively support psychosocial development.

    • Increased TRU LUV’s capacity for taking responsibility for this intrepid work by weaving transformational leadership coaching for all employees into daily structures and processes.

    • Led design of this model by taking best practices from app and game development and refactoring them, component by component, into something new informed by cross-disciplinary knowledge and optimised with benefit metrics.

    • Intentionally architected forces within TRU LUV for success by constructing a balanced mix of stakeholders: for-profit and impact investors; funds and individual investors; neuroscience, systems change, AI and game experts. 

    • Funded by investors such as IDEO, Evolve Ventures (Insight Timer, Headspace), Bridge Builders Collaborative (same), Real Ventures (Mejuri, Element AI), and Everblue Management (Esports).

    • Advised by thought leaders such as Tom Gruber (Apple, Humanistic AI) and Indra Adnan (liminal web, The Politics of Waking Up).

    • Delivered talks and workshops around the world on social neuropsychology, organizational structure, technical process design and systems design.

    • Consulted with AAA games studios such as Rare on AI architecture, systems design and applications of TRU LUV’s R&D.

    • Mentored indie teams and students through Execution Labs, Pixelles, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and others.

    • Challenged classic game design understanding of flow by co-designing and developing a five-minute prototype experience testing if oxytocin flow states also work. They do.

    • With no email link inside the app, received a deluge of emails from audience members: "It's the most calming app I have!", "It's like it put me in a trance."

    • Reached over 5M downloads with no advertising.

    • Took responsibility for our disruptive discovery by building an understanding of its potential consequences and developing the ethical ❦ BENEFICENCE ❦ framework around it accordingly.

AI Lead, Ubisoft Montreal

April 2008 - August 2015

I led cross-functional technical teams of programmers (engine, graphics, AI, gameplay, UI), game designers and testers on both AAA and experimental projects and co-founded Ubisoft’s first DEI initiative.

In my roles at Ubisoft I deepened my special focus on emergent systems and large-scale collaboration. I worked on projects involving over 1000 people to three people. Among other topics, my teams were responsible for large-scale, emergent systems for collaboration. Coordinating different teams and projects, I learned to notice where innovation was amplified and where it was stifled. I began to think about how to apply emergent systems thinking to cocreativity.

    • Developed a business model focused on benefitting client groups such as underrepresented audience members, marginalized employees, peer organisations, studio HR, recruitment team and project teams.

    • Applied change management best practices.

    • Helped establish a new department focused on innovative casual games.

    • Worked alongside the producer to solve organizational challenges, finding creative and mutually beneficial solutions working with service teams used to supporting AAA needs, such as the recruiting, network and playtest teams. 

    • Mentored programmers to extend the UbiArt Framework engine with an innovative mixed 2D/3D animation and graphics pipeline that included a fluid simulation.

    • Shipped on XBOX1, PS4, XBOX 360, PS3, WiiU, PC.

    • Worked alongside the lead AI programmer to deliver a mandate of massive scope. Our cross-functional team was responsible for all AI, gameplay and animation systems and ingredients: main and side mission systems, gameplay ingredients, interactive crowd and animals, fight systems and features, and navigation systems such as tree-running and a new climbing system.

    • Helped organize the AI team into five smaller teams of five to twenty people each.

    • Led a SWAT team to close out high-risk features. 

    • Shipped on XBOX 360, PS3, PC.

    • On ACB, led the team responsible for development of all large AI systems and all gameplay ingredients, including the world upgrade system, horse navigation, horse fight and the Brotherhood assistance move. We were the only AI team that delivered all features on time.

    • On AC2, led the team responsible for development of all large AI systems, including the NPC group architecture, NPC detection system, NPC reaction system and the economic system. 

    • Shipped on XBOX 360, PS3, PC.

AI Programmer, Pandemic Studios

October 2006 - January 2008

For an open-world action-adventure comic book licence game on XBOX 360 and PC (cancelled), I designed and implemented a 3D ground-based pathfinding system to support complex NPC navigation such as climbing and leaping; implemented NPC behaviours; and ported a particle system from another engine.

At Pandemic, I had the opportunity to further explore my interest in emergent systems design, exploring algorithms such as GOAP. Comparing and contrasting Pandemic and Relic helped me see abstract team dynamics and I began to take an interest in team management.

Programmer, RElic Entertainment

February 2003 - October 2006

For real-time strategy games on PC, I supported designers working iteratively by first prototyping and then finalising their systems and features. For Company of Heroes, I played a foundational and key role in the player AI, squad AI, various gameplay systems, UI library and UI tool. This was the first use of squad AI in an RTS. I ported the UI library and tool over to the Dawn of War team and debugged their gameplay systems for ship. I also contributed to a cancelled project.

At Relic, I first discovered my interest in emergent systems and algorithmic collaboration. Our AI systems created emergent behaviour through a multilayered solution of multiple forms of planning as well as opportunism, teaching me to be both careful and flexible also.

Additional Activities